Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Blind Side

Last night, I went to go see the blind side with my boyfriend. I absolutely loved it! I had expected it to be a drama, and while it had its drama moments, it was more funny than anything. They mixed a good amount of humor with the difficult issues Michael Oher faced. The movie is about Michael Oher who is an 18 year old black boy from the slums. When he gets into a private christian school, by help of the coach, he is found wandering around because he has nowhere to stay. The Touley family takes him in and provide for him, until they realize he has nowhere else to go and allow him to stay there permenantly with them. Over time the family comes to love him and accept him as their own, including the children. In order to play football, Michael must bring up his grades, seeing as he had a starting GPA of 0.07. His teachers all help him and he eventually brings up his grades and starts to play football. He becomes one of the best players on the team and the high school goes on to win the championship because of michael. The Touley family adopt michael and persuade him to go to college at Ole Miss, where the whole family has gone. To get a football scholarship from any school, he has to bring his GPA up to a 2.5. When he graduates, he has brought his GPA up to a 2.52, thanks to a tutor, and goes on to play football with Ole Miss. He then goes on to the NFL to play for the baltimore ravens. The movie was a great movie and I suggest it to anyone.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12 Good Reasons to Sleep In

I love sleeping in. So when i saw this prompt to write 12 good reasons to sleep in, I thought "heck yea"!!

1. You are tired

2. you stayed up all night studying

3. you have a hangover

4. you are sick

5. you worked late

6. you got beat up

7. you just had surgery

8. you just want to sleep in

9. you need to catch up on sleep

10. you havent slept in days

10 Jobs I Am Interested In

Here are 10 jobs i am interested in.

1. Paranormal Investigator

2. Parapsychology

3. Archeology

4. Disney World Actress

5. Comedian

6. Fashion Designer

7. Real Estate Seller

8. Editor

9. Broadway Actress

10. Teaching theatre

Things I Have to Do When the GM Isn't at Work

Things I feel like I have to do when the GM isnt at work:

1. Boss people around nicely to get them to do something
2. clean almost everything cuz no one else will
3. multi-task doing things
4. Be the adult
5. be the nice employee to the customers
6. work twice as hard to get everything done
7. run around like a chicken with no head
8. keep the peace between employees

I don't know why everyone slacks off when the GM isn't at work. I shouldn't have to tell a bunch of teenagers and young adults what to do at work. they know their job and should do it because they are getting paid to do it. its just ridiculous!

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Name Defined

A- awesome

S- shy

H- heartfelt

L- Laughable

E- Exciting

I- Imaginative


H- heteroclite (departing from the standard or norm; abnormal; anomalous)


I'm so excited that christmas is just around the corner. This is my favorite holiday of the year because of all the excitement and mostly because of all the awesome decorations. I love going around neighborhoods and looking at how people have decorated the outside of their house. All the lights are brilliant and stunning and really captivate me. My neighbor down the street goes all out for christmas and about over does the light scheme. Every inch of their house is decorated in lights and the yard is full of blowups and more lighted objects. We only put up a few things because my dad won't get up on a ladder to hang lights from the roof. But that's okay because it makes taking the decorations down easier. My boyfriend and I have decided to make a date out of going around to the neighborhoods and seeing the lights! He hasn't done this in a while, so I'm excited that he wants to do it with me. What I really am pumped about is what I am going to get for christmas. I haven't asked for anything because this is the first year I haven't seen anything I really wanted. I've been too busy with work and school that I haven't had time to look through ads, or go to the store, or watch tv to browse all the news devices and things. I do know a few of my gifts because I have picked them out, which has made it easier on my mom since I didn't tell anyone anything I'd like. I'm counting down the days until I can rip open gifts and see my boyfriend open his gifts from me. The clever little thing has figured out one gift I've gotten him, but he will be shocked when he opens his other one. I hope everybody has a wonderful christmas!


Now that its down to the last two days of actual school, finals are just around the corner. I am so nervous because I have to find time to study, while dealing with my work schedule. Since I have been promoted, I am getting more hours which makes it difficult to find time. But I am super pumped that it is the end of this semester! I am ready to get these stupid finals out of the way. The only final I am really really worried about is my history exam. It's just like the other tests we've had, and its not cumulative, but it's still going to be hard. My mind has even taken stressing to the next level and has invaded my dreams! I had two dreams last night about taking my finals. In the dream, I had 10 daily start up questions that I had due at the final, yet I had no idea this was the case, and I freaked out because I didn't want to get an F for the class. So I asked the guy next to me if I could copy his and he said yes which took a little bit of the stress off. Its funny because in reality in history class, I don't have start up questions, and when I woke up, I was relieved. I also had dreams about other finals, but I can't remember them as clearly as the history final dream. I guess that one stuck with me because its the main one to worry about. Well, toot-a-loo for now!

Christmas Questions

15 More Christmas Questions Survey

Are you going away for Christmas? - nope i am staying home
What are you expecting for Christmas? - hmm idk... i didnt ask for anything lol
Is Christmas your favorite holiday? - yes it is...i love all the lights
Do you like to decorate the tree? - sometimes, but mainly i like to keep it simple
Where do you put the tree in your house? - in the corner of our formal living room
Do you watch Merry Christmas Charlie Brown every year? - no
What is your favorite thing about Christmas? - all the lights
What is the best Christmas you have ever had? - every christmas
Are yoou spending Christmas with family? - yes and my boyfriend
Do you beleive in Santa Claus? - not since i was like 8 or 9
Do you always look in your stocking at Christmas? - uh yea! theres always goodies in there
How much money will you be spending on other people this Christmas? - like 150 dollars
Are you going to a Christmas parade this year? - no i missed it for work
What is the best Christmas present you ever got? - a huge red luggage bag
What state are you spending Christmas in? - alabama
Do you text Merry Christmas to everybody you know? - no i hate mass texts

Take This Survey at

ABC Survey

A - Age:

B - Bed size:

twin with extra long twin sheets

C - Chinese Food Dish:

vegetable lo mein

D - Dentist name:

dr. owens

E - Early Bird or Night Owl?

night owl most definately

F - Favorite color:


G - Gold or Silver:


H - Height:


I - Ink as in tatto's you have:

1 on my wrist in white ink

J - Job title:

Marco's Pizza shift leader and official dough slapper lol

K - Kitchen Meal or Restaurant?

usually its a kitchen meal

L - Living arrangements:

at home with my parents

M - Month of birth:


N - Nicknames:

nic, nikki, ash

O - On time or late:

before time lol

P - Pet Peeve:

lying, and smacking

Q - Quote from a movie:

"What freightens you more stepmother that I am common or competition?" ~ Ever After

R - Right or left handed:

right handed

S - Siblings:

1 sister and 1 brother

T - Time you wake up:

usually 6-6:30am on MWs and 7:30 on TRs

U - Urgent thing on your to do list:

study for finals

V - Vegetable you dislike:


W - Wishing for:

all A's this semester...but i fear 1 B

X - X-rays you've had:


Y - Yummy food you make:

grilled cheese and tomato soup

Z - Zoo Favorite:

the monkeys :D

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Promotion at Work

I found out the other day that my general manager wants to give me a promotion at work. This is exciting because there are certain advantages to being promoted to shift leader (basically a manager). One good advantage is that I get an increase in pay. Right now I make minimum wage which is $7.25 an hour. This is a really good minimum wage, considering just two years ago it used to be $5.50. Now that I am going to be in management, I will be getting paid $8.00 an hour! This doesn't seem like much of an increase, but considering its more of a raise than some people in regular professions only get raises of a few cents every year, I am pretty darn happy. This will help with my car insurance payments and my loan payments every month. Another advantage is only one other person has the power to tell me what to do. Now I don't have a problem with authority, but when someone is being rude about what needs to be done, I get a little agitated. I can now be firm but nice about what needs to be done, which makes me think that alot of people will respect me as a shift leader at work. One disadvantage of getting this promotion is that there is more responsibility. I will have to keep everything going smoothly, deal with customer complaints, and close the store. I've only had to deal with customer complaints at times, but other than that I am completely lost on what to do. Another disadvantage is that it will be weird telling people who are 40 years older than me how what to do. Of course I will respect them when I ask them to do something, but if I were in their position, I would be a bit jealous and mad. Other than these few things, it really is an honor that I would be even an option to be a manager at 19 years old. Hopefully I will do a good job!

Paranormal Experiances

I've had several paranormal experiences that have led me to believe that ghosts are real. I think these experiences have also increased my interest and terror of the subject. I love watching the shows like Paranormal State and Ghost Hunters which make me nervous and on edge, but fascinate me. One time, I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom which was right across from my bedroom. When I came out of the bathroom, I thought I heard two woman voices downstairs, which was odd because everybody was asleep. The voices I heard sounded like my mom's voice and the lady down the streets. It was really odd that they would be up that late, talking in the dark, but I shook it off anyway. When I woke up in the morning, I asked my mom if she had been conversing with the lady and she said no. This really freaked me out because both my parents had jobs and sometimes we were left home alone.
There was another moment, that my dad told me about, that happened in the same house. My dad was coming home one night and us kids were all asleep. He said he heard someone run from his room and down the hall, as if we had stayed up past our bedtime and were trying to get to bed before he knew. Well, my sister had put the chair back in my parents room and turned the tv off before she went to bed. When my dad entered his room, the chair was pulled back out in front of the tv and the tv was turned on with static on the display. This story really freaked me out and needless to say, I didn't really feel comfortable staying home alone anymore. I think this ghost has been following me too because I have had things happen to me in the house I live in now. Its really creepy to think something is following us and that I always am the one to notice it first.


Me and my boyfriend went to go see the new movie Brothers the other night, and it was fantastic. It was a good mixture of intensity and comedy. It was about one man named Sam, who was in the Army and was about to deploy about to back to Afghanistan.His brother, Tommy, has just gotten out of jail and leads a less than significant life. Their father wishes tommy would be more like his brother, which leads to major fights between the two. Sam and his wife have two little girls, who are sad about their father deploying again. Sam is fine with going back to Afghanistan because he has been over so many times that it feels like another home to him. When Sam deploys, tommy starts helping out sam's wife with his two nieces and fixing up their house. The family is told that sam is dead and the wife and tommy have a bit of a connection with each other, but nothing but a kiss happens. Sam is captured overseas by a rebel group and is put into a holding cell underground. He urges the other captive to not tell the people anything. Sam remains strong but the other guy is weak and succumbs to them. In a very dramatic and intense scene, Sam is forced to either kill his comrade or be shot to death. Under intense pressure and emotion, Sam chooses to beat the other guy to death, which causes him to loose his mental stability. After a while, he is rescued by other soldiers and is on his way home. When sam returns home, he has lost his touch with reality and is punishing himself for killing his friend. He also suspects that his wife and tommy are having sexual relations with each other, which they are not. At one of the little girl's birthday parties, the other daughter is dying for attention and blurts out that her mom and uncle tommy has been having sex all the time (which is not true). This leads to the climax of the movie where sam goes postal and about kills his brother. He is arrested and is sent to a mental hospital to get better. In the final scene, sam reveals why he is so stiff all the time, because he killed his friend.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

7 Signs Its Time To Take A Bath

lol I found this one on the creative writing prompts thing, and since it made me laugh, I decided it should be a fun one to blog about. Have you ever met someone who just really needed to take a bath, but you didn't want to be rude and say it? Yea, so have I. Or have you given the person bath and body products (the nice kind that comes in a basket or something) for their birthday or for christmas in hopes that they would use the stuff? Well, I haven't because I always think they are going to make a big deal out of it and then the truth would have to come out. Well, here's a list of 7 signs its time to take a bath.

1. You stink- If you smell and other people are noticing it too, please, do us all a favor and take a shower. No one wants to smell your stink!

2. Your hair looks/feels greasy- This one is a good sign as well that you need to take a shower. If it looks like someone rubbed a bat of grease all up in your hair, its time to take a shower. If you can see your reflection off of your own hair, its time to take a shower. ( lol i kinda feel like jeff foxworty saying things like that, just without the "you might be a redneck" part).

3. People cover their noses you when you are around- Ok, you know something's really wrong when people naturally throw their hand up to their noses when you walk by or are speaking with them.

4. Your skin starts to feel greasy/rubbery- Have you ever taken a shower at night and then the next morning your skin feels a little rubbery? Well, I have. I immediately have to get rid of that feeling because I feel dirty, though in reality its just from sleeping in warm covers. But if your skin feels major rubbery/greasy, please take a shower and relieve yourself.

5. Your skin is a different color than you are supposed to be- When you are supposed to be white, and you look like a mexican because of all the dirt on you, take a shower.

6. Majority of your gifts for christmas or your birthday are bath and body products- This is like everyone's way of saying, take a shower stinky!

7. Your hair is so flat, it looks like it was painted to your head- Don't let your hair go limp and flat, take a 5 minute shower and blowdry your hair for a little volume.

25 Things That Happened to Me This Semester

In honor of the end of my first semester as a sophomore, I thought I would write about 25 things that have happened to me throughout the semester. They may be happy, funny, sad, kinda depressing, but overall they will be the past and things that I have learned or grown from.

1. Had a really crappy job at subway as a closer
2. Learned my dad could transfer his GI bill to me
3. Had several breakdowns due to stress
4. Quit my job at subway
5. Got a job at Marco's Pizza....a really fun and stress free job
6. Made new friends
7. Reconnected with old high school friends
8. Learned to blog
9. Got a wonderful boyfriend
10. Paid for most of the dates...only because he is trying to pay his dad back for medical bills
11. Laughed so hard I snorted
12. Grew in my writing abilites
13. Almost eliminated "wuzzies" completely from my writing abilities
14. Got dropped on the concrete after attempting to run and jump into my boyfriends arms
15. Experienced a kiss that gave me butterflies
16. Played beer pong and still sucked at it
17. Went on more dates than I can count on two hands
18. Said "I love you"
19. Almost got into accidents
20. Had thoughts about changing my major a second time
21. Had my transmission die
22. Had my breaks replaced and the two back tires
23. Had more breakdowns
24. Had a renewed love for theatre
25. Hope fully got an A in English

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The 7 Top Things That Could Happen To Criminals

This list is going to go from worst to least worse, with the worst being number 1.

1. Hell- This one is for those that believe in heaven and hell, which I do, so I believe that if you are a bad person and you live badly (as in, you kill, steal...stuff like that, not just you are having a tough financial time etc.) you are going to go to hell. Ultimately, that would seem to be the worst thing to happen to anyone.

2. Prison- Prison is just scary, even for the most hardened criminal.

3. Caught By Police- This doesn't mean you are automatically going to jail, but there's probably a chance that they might.

4. Hit by a Bus- This one is just for my enjoyment because Carma could come back around and the person be on the losing end of it.

5. Wounded in a Bad Act- Well its kinda self explanatory....

6. Lose a Partner in Crime- It's not so bad if you are robbing a bank, because then there will be more money for you.

7. Get Away- This is probably what all criminals aspire to do, but a lot don't live up to it. Most get caught eventually.

10 Things I Would Buy With My Last $20

If I had only $20 and I had to buy 10 things, I would buy:

1. 5 $1 Candy Bars- This way I could eat for at least five days and then I would just be screwed after that.

2. 2 $4 pack of bottled water (24pk)- And now I would have water, which could keep me alive another two months at least.

3. 1 $5 Big Blanket- Assuming I live in a house, I'll have a blanket to keep me warm when the heat gets shut off!

4. 2 $1 Rolls of Toilet Paper- Assuming my water gets cut off too, good Lord know where I'm going to have to go to use the bathroom, so I'll just buy some toilet paper to bring with me.

All this was based off of me living in a house and eventually all the utilities being shut off and me not having any food to eat. I don't know if you can actually get anything for these dollar amounts anymore, but I am being hopeful. lol :D