Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The 7 Top Things That Could Happen To Criminals

This list is going to go from worst to least worse, with the worst being number 1.

1. Hell- This one is for those that believe in heaven and hell, which I do, so I believe that if you are a bad person and you live badly (as in, you kill, steal...stuff like that, not just you are having a tough financial time etc.) you are going to go to hell. Ultimately, that would seem to be the worst thing to happen to anyone.

2. Prison- Prison is just scary, even for the most hardened criminal.

3. Caught By Police- This doesn't mean you are automatically going to jail, but there's probably a chance that they might.

4. Hit by a Bus- This one is just for my enjoyment because Carma could come back around and the person be on the losing end of it.

5. Wounded in a Bad Act- Well its kinda self explanatory....

6. Lose a Partner in Crime- It's not so bad if you are robbing a bank, because then there will be more money for you.

7. Get Away- This is probably what all criminals aspire to do, but a lot don't live up to it. Most get caught eventually.

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