Wednesday, December 2, 2009

7 Signs Its Time To Take A Bath

lol I found this one on the creative writing prompts thing, and since it made me laugh, I decided it should be a fun one to blog about. Have you ever met someone who just really needed to take a bath, but you didn't want to be rude and say it? Yea, so have I. Or have you given the person bath and body products (the nice kind that comes in a basket or something) for their birthday or for christmas in hopes that they would use the stuff? Well, I haven't because I always think they are going to make a big deal out of it and then the truth would have to come out. Well, here's a list of 7 signs its time to take a bath.

1. You stink- If you smell and other people are noticing it too, please, do us all a favor and take a shower. No one wants to smell your stink!

2. Your hair looks/feels greasy- This one is a good sign as well that you need to take a shower. If it looks like someone rubbed a bat of grease all up in your hair, its time to take a shower. If you can see your reflection off of your own hair, its time to take a shower. ( lol i kinda feel like jeff foxworty saying things like that, just without the "you might be a redneck" part).

3. People cover their noses you when you are around- Ok, you know something's really wrong when people naturally throw their hand up to their noses when you walk by or are speaking with them.

4. Your skin starts to feel greasy/rubbery- Have you ever taken a shower at night and then the next morning your skin feels a little rubbery? Well, I have. I immediately have to get rid of that feeling because I feel dirty, though in reality its just from sleeping in warm covers. But if your skin feels major rubbery/greasy, please take a shower and relieve yourself.

5. Your skin is a different color than you are supposed to be- When you are supposed to be white, and you look like a mexican because of all the dirt on you, take a shower.

6. Majority of your gifts for christmas or your birthday are bath and body products- This is like everyone's way of saying, take a shower stinky!

7. Your hair is so flat, it looks like it was painted to your head- Don't let your hair go limp and flat, take a 5 minute shower and blowdry your hair for a little volume.

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