Monday, August 31, 2009

My One Piece of Heaven

Everyday I walk into the one sanctuary I can call my own. My one piece of heaven where the only thoughts that invade my own are the droning sounds of my television. It gives me a break from the monotonous days that I lead every Monday through thursday. It could be attributed to the odd color I chose to paint the walls two years back. The carribbean style blue ivades my eyes everytime I walk through the door and instant relief floods me until even the slightest bit of tension is gone. But then again, it could just be because I know this is the one place where I will get peace and quiet and not have the mounting stress of school and work wrack my brain anymore. I don't know which one it is or even if it is a combination of the both. However, I do know that my one piece of heaven provides the salvation of "me-time"; where I can focus on just me, my needs, and my wants. The bed is slightly slanted to the right due to an unfortunate break in one of the boards of the bed's frame. My body aches to sleep whenever I see it but I know I can't sleep until after my 6 hellish hours at work. The room always has a light scent of the girly scented perfume I cake on most mornings. It triggers many times in the past when I did something wonderful and happened to be wearing the perfume. I smile at these fond thoughts, and wonder what more crazy adventures await my arrival in the future. My bedroom is my one piece of heaven, my sanctuary, and most of all mine. :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Punishment for a Cheating Husband (NOT my opinion!)

I was in the car with my mother today running errands with her and we started listening to the Rick & Bubba radio show. Well, one subject that came up that was quite odd was the punishment a man received after his wife found out that he had been cheating on her. Apparently she found text messages that proved he had been cheating on her, so she decided to publicly humiliate him. She made him stand out on the corner of one of the busiest street intersections in their town with a sign that said "I cheated. This is my punishment." The first question that popped into my mind was "how could she MAKE him do anything?" But then the show hosts went on to say that the man had actually AGREED to do the punishment!! This made me think that either (A) the man didn't care if he cheated on his wife then or if he did it again and (B) he was just so distressed that he would do anything to save his marriage with his wife. I hope it is the second but I really don't know. I also wondered how a woman could put her husband through such public humiliation. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not defending what he did at all, but if the wife really wanted to save her marriage with him she wouldn't have publicly humilated him either. Rick and Bubba said it clear enough this morning. They said sonething along the lines of this, "it makes me wonder if she wanted to publicly humiliate him and then divorce him because if she really cared about her marriage she would have privately forgave him and they could have worked things out. But the humilation makes me wonder how they could try and rebuild a marriage while the whole town knows about his infidelity. A punishment like that could possibly have to make you move and if you didn't it would make it hard to have to live there still married." While the punishment was quite unique for a cheating husband, I think it was a little bit too drastic and the punishment should have been of a private matter, not involving the community.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What if my high school put me in charge of the school? Oh good lord, the school would be a mess!!!!! I can barely keep up with the problems in my own life! How am I supposed to take on 2600 students problems as well as a 35 year old building with problems galore?!? Dear lord, it would be my own personal hell.

First of all, the building is 35 or more years old. Let's just say that the main part of the building is in an ok condition. When it rains, there are leaks in some classrooms and if you are unfortunate enough, you will have picked the wrong seat to sit in that day. The building would be my first project to fix about the school. I wish I could just tear the whole decrepit thing down, but that's unrealistic. I would start with one section of the main building first, and house those classes in that part of the building in temporary trailers somewhere else on campus. And I would go through the building part by part like that until the whole main building was finished. The reason I say main building is because there are two other halls not connected to the main building or each other and they are fairly new and updated, they would be fine and need no repairs. The second part of the remodelling would have to be the gym. All it is is a gigantic building with bleaches, a crappy wooden stage (that can't hold theatre productions), and basketball courts. I would turn the whole structure into a combo of gym/auditorium for the various organizations to use.

The problems with the buildings would solve the problems of overcrowding because of course I would have add expansion ideas into the whole remodeling plans. But handling students is not my area of greatness. I guess I would have to leave the students problems and concerns in the hands of my assistent principal and guidence counselors. I mean its not like the vice principal has any purpose except to remind the actual principal that he is mortal and is capable of being sick or dead. Now don't get me wrong. I would handle things if everything got out of control, and it would be handled with an iron fist. I don't let anybody walk over me and I certainly don't tolerate disrespect.

I hope to God that I NEVER have to run a school and if by some means I am ever in charge of a school, I hope there is a nuthouse around because that's probably where I will end up after the first year!

Nostalgic Moment

I remember when I was a kid that I was super jealous of my sister (who is only two years older than me) for getting to ride the bus to school for the first time. I wasn't even in school at the time but I was so mad that she got to ride the bus and I didn't! I had this misconcieved conception that on the bus there were mirror vanities (the kind you see in backstage dressing rooms) with makeup kits for all the girls to use. Where I got this idea from totally baffles me! However I thought that she was going to get to get all dolled up and I was bummed that I wasn't going to get to play makeover with her. You have to understand that I was never a real girly girl when I was a kid. That stage didn't kick in until I was a junior in high school, but I still have my non-girly moments these days too. Back on to subject though. When my sister got home that day, I glared at her and said "so how was the bus today?" and not in a friendly voice either. She said it had been fine and boring. I asked confused, "well didn't you use the makeup and mirrors they have on the busses for you to use?" She laughed at me and said "what the heck are you talking about? There's no mirrors or makeup on the school bus. Just a bunch of seats and kids that are going to school."

Now, where could I have come up with this odd idea about school busses? To this day, I still can't tell you! All I know is that a couple of years after that, I had to ride the bus, and let me tell you, I was TOTALLY WRONG about busses. The closest thing to a mirror on the bus was the one the driver used to look out the back and to yell at the kid who was always being a PITA (an acronym for pain in the....i think you get it). But I still laugh about my odd little misconceptions I had as a child. Its funny how something so simple as an idea can stay with you for decades.

Financials ALWAYS Cause Problems

Don't you hate that almost everything in the world revolves around money. Have you ever wanted to take a well deserved vacation but couldn't because you didn't have the money to finance a trip? or Have you ever wanted to participate in something going on at your college but couldn't because either you didn't have the money to do it, or you had to work so much to pay your other bills? That's exactly the dilemma I face most of the time I'm at college. Obsessively worrying about what I can do at college besides classes and studying, because I need hours at work but I also don't want to spend money to do something.
I wanted to go through rush this year again and possibly join a sorority, despite the constant rants that you were just paying for your friends from everyone I knew. I don't know. I guess I just need that type of security and pride you get from being in one. But as always, the financials never work out. I can't afford to pay the hellish price of $430 my first semester, even though it drops to $200 each semester after that first one. I can barely afford to pay my car insurance on time every month, let alone another huge payment on top of that.
What would happen if all the money in the world just disappeared? Total chaos would insue because we've become so dependent on it. Then again its not like we could go back to the barter system, we all know what came out of that....MONEY! lol
Well I guess I just wish things were a little less financially stressed all the time. Hopefully better days are ahead, but I can only be optimistic for so long.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stupid White Girl

Haha, ok, so here's a semi-humorous story about the consequences of the choices I made today. Well, let me start off by saying that I was already extremely exhausted from having gotten in from work around 1am and then not getting into bed until 2am and then waking up at 7:40am this morning. When I'm exhausted, I really feel like doing absolutely nothing but sleeping. Ok, back to the main story. I had to get up so that me and my family could go to my brother's first junior high football jamboree. I was sorta excited, because I absolutely love football, and I was sorta exhausted so I didn't really want to sit out there watching fifty million games of junior high football in the blazing sun. The weather was absolutely wonderful! The humidity had dropped (which is a rare occurance in the deep south!) and there was a nice cool breeze and the sun was shining away in a nice cloud filled sky.
Let me also tell you that I am quite the epitome of a Caucasian. No matter how hard I try, I ALWAYS burn. And sometimes when I think I'm getting somewhat of a tan, I get super excited until I walk out into the sunshine and realize I'm still ghostly white!
Ok, well I decided that I wanted to try and get a tan today, so I didn't put any sunscreen on, knowing full well I would be in the direct sun for a few hours. It all was going fine, until I started to feel a little sting on my lower forearms. So I look down and see a bit of red and think nothing about it saying to myself "it's only a little and we'll be getting out of the sun soon enough." Well, it WASN'T ok. By the time we left the fields that day (with two stops at my aunts house for lunch and rest) I had walked away with a lobster red face, lobster red arms, and lobster red thighs! NO JOKE! It's like once I stepped out of the car that afternoon, the suns' rays were like "caucasian girl, twelve o' clock, no sunscreen....GET HER!!! ARGGGGGGG!" Yes, the suns' rays do sound like pirates. But they attacked my skin like pirates attacking a treasure cove looking for booty, except the rays were looking for fresh skin! Damn those rays, but damn myself for being a stupid white girl going out in the sun with no protection! Oh well, guess I have to live with the choices I've made. lol :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Stressful Days

Ok, so I just finished my first week of classes as a sophomore. And good grief, if I'm this exhausted after just the first week, I can only imagine how things are going to be when my mid-mester class starts along with having my other classes. It's also really stressful to have a job where you close several nights a week, close being 11pm or 12am, and then taking another 30min to an hour to finish cleaning. A logical solution would be to quit my job, but as we all know, the economy isn't too hot these days and we are all struggling to make our monthly payments. Just like everyone else, I have a car payment, student loans w/ interest, a $10 gym membership, and then other things that I have to pay for each month. Saving money is really hard when my whole paycheck is wiped out from all the payments I make. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a money tree to grow money on? I know I would be the happiest person in the world! But, in reality, we have to work for our money. So, I guess I'm through venting about how much the world sucks these days as a working college student. :(

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blinkers people, blinkers!!

I wonder why car manufacturers decided to install the invention of blinkers in ALL vehicles in the world. Hmm, maybe so that drivers could USE them every now and again when they are deciding to turn or better yet, to merge into another lane. I mean how hard is it to slide your left hand down the steering wheel and slightly bump the blinker signal up or down, depending on which way you are going. It takes a total of two seconds! Seriously, are people just that lazy that they can't take two seconds to flip the blinker on?? Granted if there is no other car in sight, then really there is no need to warn other cars that you are turning or merging; however, if there are other cars within a 100 feet distance of your vehicle, turn on your blinker. This morning I was commuting to school on the interstate and I swear about 5 people decided to merge into my lane in the whole 30 miles or less it takes me to get to school, knowing full well I was right there about to pass them (yes, I was going the speed limit), and just move on over into my lane as if I weren't even there! Now, I had to hit my breaks so that I didn't hit them and get sued for running into them in the back for being careless drivers. If they had just simply used a blinker, I would have had time to either slow down to let them over or merge to another lane. That simple! So some advice for all you reading this, if you don't use your blinker, PLEASE start!!! I guarantee other drivers will highly appreciate you for your consideration! :/

"What are you more afraid of madame, that I am common or that I am competition?!"

What can I say about my favorite movie? Well, first I would have to pick a favorite. I've been a movie fanatic for a couple of years now and frankly, it's hard to narrow down the list to just one specific movie. I guess I could pick the one that I could quote to you back and forth, even while sleeping. "Ever After" is a fantastic version of the cinderella story. Drew Barrymore plays the main character of Danielle and portrays the daughter of a deceased man living with her stepmother and two stepsisters in her home. I'm assuming everyone knows the story of cinderella and so I'm not going to waste time by explaining the plot line of the movie because its exactly the same! But I guess what I love so much about the movie is how eloquently people talked in that time period (which was probably the late 18th century.) There was no "yo dawg, waz up" crap, it was more like "how are you feeling today, my lady?" The language is beautiful in its wording and expresses such class that I just wish we all talked that way today. However, we all know if I went around talking like that, people would assume I was nuts and then I would definately have no social life at all. This is going to sound so odd to most of you that read this, but I also love that the men bow and the women courtsey to each other. The modesty and respect these people held in this time period for each other is astonishing. You didn't even have to like the person, but you still showed them enough respect as a human being to courtsey or bow when encountering them anywhere. This movie portrays this time period so exactly! I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for a good chick flick or just to watch a good movie. I'm sure that you won't be disappointed if you do.

P.S.-The title of this blog was inspired by a quote from the movie! :D