Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blinkers people, blinkers!!

I wonder why car manufacturers decided to install the invention of blinkers in ALL vehicles in the world. Hmm, maybe so that drivers could USE them every now and again when they are deciding to turn or better yet, to merge into another lane. I mean how hard is it to slide your left hand down the steering wheel and slightly bump the blinker signal up or down, depending on which way you are going. It takes a total of two seconds! Seriously, are people just that lazy that they can't take two seconds to flip the blinker on?? Granted if there is no other car in sight, then really there is no need to warn other cars that you are turning or merging; however, if there are other cars within a 100 feet distance of your vehicle, turn on your blinker. This morning I was commuting to school on the interstate and I swear about 5 people decided to merge into my lane in the whole 30 miles or less it takes me to get to school, knowing full well I was right there about to pass them (yes, I was going the speed limit), and just move on over into my lane as if I weren't even there! Now, I had to hit my breaks so that I didn't hit them and get sued for running into them in the back for being careless drivers. If they had just simply used a blinker, I would have had time to either slow down to let them over or merge to another lane. That simple! So some advice for all you reading this, if you don't use your blinker, PLEASE start!!! I guarantee other drivers will highly appreciate you for your consideration! :/

1 comment:

  1. I think I overblink. It was a habit ingrained in me by my mother, who just happened to also be my driving teacher. I have been known to put on the turn signal when I am already in our driveway and I am about to turn right into the driveway parking spot. A sad example of overblinking.
