Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nostalgic Moment

I remember when I was a kid that I was super jealous of my sister (who is only two years older than me) for getting to ride the bus to school for the first time. I wasn't even in school at the time but I was so mad that she got to ride the bus and I didn't! I had this misconcieved conception that on the bus there were mirror vanities (the kind you see in backstage dressing rooms) with makeup kits for all the girls to use. Where I got this idea from totally baffles me! However I thought that she was going to get to get all dolled up and I was bummed that I wasn't going to get to play makeover with her. You have to understand that I was never a real girly girl when I was a kid. That stage didn't kick in until I was a junior in high school, but I still have my non-girly moments these days too. Back on to subject though. When my sister got home that day, I glared at her and said "so how was the bus today?" and not in a friendly voice either. She said it had been fine and boring. I asked confused, "well didn't you use the makeup and mirrors they have on the busses for you to use?" She laughed at me and said "what the heck are you talking about? There's no mirrors or makeup on the school bus. Just a bunch of seats and kids that are going to school."

Now, where could I have come up with this odd idea about school busses? To this day, I still can't tell you! All I know is that a couple of years after that, I had to ride the bus, and let me tell you, I was TOTALLY WRONG about busses. The closest thing to a mirror on the bus was the one the driver used to look out the back and to yell at the kid who was always being a PITA (an acronym for pain in the....i think you get it). But I still laugh about my odd little misconceptions I had as a child. Its funny how something so simple as an idea can stay with you for decades.

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