Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What if my high school put me in charge of the school? Oh good lord, the school would be a mess!!!!! I can barely keep up with the problems in my own life! How am I supposed to take on 2600 students problems as well as a 35 year old building with problems galore?!? Dear lord, it would be my own personal hell.

First of all, the building is 35 or more years old. Let's just say that the main part of the building is in an ok condition. When it rains, there are leaks in some classrooms and if you are unfortunate enough, you will have picked the wrong seat to sit in that day. The building would be my first project to fix about the school. I wish I could just tear the whole decrepit thing down, but that's unrealistic. I would start with one section of the main building first, and house those classes in that part of the building in temporary trailers somewhere else on campus. And I would go through the building part by part like that until the whole main building was finished. The reason I say main building is because there are two other halls not connected to the main building or each other and they are fairly new and updated, they would be fine and need no repairs. The second part of the remodelling would have to be the gym. All it is is a gigantic building with bleaches, a crappy wooden stage (that can't hold theatre productions), and basketball courts. I would turn the whole structure into a combo of gym/auditorium for the various organizations to use.

The problems with the buildings would solve the problems of overcrowding because of course I would have add expansion ideas into the whole remodeling plans. But handling students is not my area of greatness. I guess I would have to leave the students problems and concerns in the hands of my assistent principal and guidence counselors. I mean its not like the vice principal has any purpose except to remind the actual principal that he is mortal and is capable of being sick or dead. Now don't get me wrong. I would handle things if everything got out of control, and it would be handled with an iron fist. I don't let anybody walk over me and I certainly don't tolerate disrespect.

I hope to God that I NEVER have to run a school and if by some means I am ever in charge of a school, I hope there is a nuthouse around because that's probably where I will end up after the first year!

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