Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stupid White Girl

Haha, ok, so here's a semi-humorous story about the consequences of the choices I made today. Well, let me start off by saying that I was already extremely exhausted from having gotten in from work around 1am and then not getting into bed until 2am and then waking up at 7:40am this morning. When I'm exhausted, I really feel like doing absolutely nothing but sleeping. Ok, back to the main story. I had to get up so that me and my family could go to my brother's first junior high football jamboree. I was sorta excited, because I absolutely love football, and I was sorta exhausted so I didn't really want to sit out there watching fifty million games of junior high football in the blazing sun. The weather was absolutely wonderful! The humidity had dropped (which is a rare occurance in the deep south!) and there was a nice cool breeze and the sun was shining away in a nice cloud filled sky.
Let me also tell you that I am quite the epitome of a Caucasian. No matter how hard I try, I ALWAYS burn. And sometimes when I think I'm getting somewhat of a tan, I get super excited until I walk out into the sunshine and realize I'm still ghostly white!
Ok, well I decided that I wanted to try and get a tan today, so I didn't put any sunscreen on, knowing full well I would be in the direct sun for a few hours. It all was going fine, until I started to feel a little sting on my lower forearms. So I look down and see a bit of red and think nothing about it saying to myself "it's only a little and we'll be getting out of the sun soon enough." Well, it WASN'T ok. By the time we left the fields that day (with two stops at my aunts house for lunch and rest) I had walked away with a lobster red face, lobster red arms, and lobster red thighs! NO JOKE! It's like once I stepped out of the car that afternoon, the suns' rays were like "caucasian girl, twelve o' clock, no sunscreen....GET HER!!! ARGGGGGGG!" Yes, the suns' rays do sound like pirates. But they attacked my skin like pirates attacking a treasure cove looking for booty, except the rays were looking for fresh skin! Damn those rays, but damn myself for being a stupid white girl going out in the sun with no protection! Oh well, guess I have to live with the choices I've made. lol :)

1 comment:

  1. Arrrggghh! I relate. I get annoyed by the sunscreen police, but getting crispy fried is worse.
