Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Financials ALWAYS Cause Problems

Don't you hate that almost everything in the world revolves around money. Have you ever wanted to take a well deserved vacation but couldn't because you didn't have the money to finance a trip? or Have you ever wanted to participate in something going on at your college but couldn't because either you didn't have the money to do it, or you had to work so much to pay your other bills? That's exactly the dilemma I face most of the time I'm at college. Obsessively worrying about what I can do at college besides classes and studying, because I need hours at work but I also don't want to spend money to do something.
I wanted to go through rush this year again and possibly join a sorority, despite the constant rants that you were just paying for your friends from everyone I knew. I don't know. I guess I just need that type of security and pride you get from being in one. But as always, the financials never work out. I can't afford to pay the hellish price of $430 my first semester, even though it drops to $200 each semester after that first one. I can barely afford to pay my car insurance on time every month, let alone another huge payment on top of that.
What would happen if all the money in the world just disappeared? Total chaos would insue because we've become so dependent on it. Then again its not like we could go back to the barter system, we all know what came out of that....MONEY! lol
Well I guess I just wish things were a little less financially stressed all the time. Hopefully better days are ahead, but I can only be optimistic for so long.

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