Monday, November 9, 2009

Evaluation of Texting with a Full Keyboard

My first time texting was with a traditional flip phone that just had a number key pad with three letters to each key. At first, I didn't know how to text fast like everyone my age knew how to. But after a month of texting like crazy to my friends and family, I finally got the hang of texting fast. I even became so aquainted with that type of texting that I was able to do it without looking at the keypad. It made it so much easier to drive and text, which I know is bad, but handy when you don't have to keep looking down at the phone to make sure I am texting actual words and not gibberish. After about three years of having that phone, my dad decided to upgrade my phone to one that had a full keyboard for texting, since I texted so much. He thought it would be easier because I already know how to type fast on the computer. But let me tell you the pros and cons of the change to a full keyboard phone.

  1. It's Faster- After several days of texting with the new keyboard, I realized I could text faster than I had before because I did not have to press one button three times to get a single letter.
  2. It only takes one button press- Instead of pressing one button two times to get a letter, all I had to do was press one button one time. This made it easier and faster to use than my flip phone.
  3. It's cooler- Let's face it, you feel much cooler using a full keyboard because everyone else is using them too.
  1. It's harder to text and drive- While this is good for many people because it keeps them safer while driving, its not good when you have to text for an emergency or something else. The full keyboard makes me have to look down to text, which stops me from texting and driving.
  2. Harder to learn- Most people think its easier to type with a full keyboard if you know how to type on a computer keyboard. However, that is totally wrong. With a computer keyboard, you are using all your fingers and that's what we are used to. But with a keyboard phone, you are using your thumbs, which makes you feel as if you don't know how to type at all.

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