Monday, November 30, 2009

ENG 1020 Argumentative Associations

In English 1020, I am going to have to argue for all of my papers. Now, as a person who tries to avoid conflict, this is very unappealing to me. I also am not a big fan of writing, so its double unappealing. Some of the things I associate with the word "argumentative" is fear, conflict, hurt feelings, and indecisiveness. It invokes fear because I don't like writing that much and to know that I have an 8 page paper due on an argumentative topic scares the hell out of me. Who can really write 8 pages on something? Well, unless they were really passionate about the topic and they have been following it for years, I can see where they could write 8 pages worth. But for me, I've never watched star trek in my life and therefore find it fearful to write papers on it. But the teacher is supposedly excellent, so maybe it wont be that bad. I also associate the word "conflict" with the subject. I try to avoid conflict where I can because I don't like to get into fights with people about petty issues. I don't necessarily try to please other people all the time, but I do try and respect their opinions, so that no conflicts arise. I also don't like to hurt people's feelings, which is something I associate with argumentative. While this ties into conflict too, I just don't like to put people down, or feel bad for believing in what they believe. I may strongly disagree with them, but I would never make someone feel insolent for their way of living. Also I am very indecisive about everything, so choosing a good topic that I know I could write alot on is difficult for me. I can hardly choose where to eat when me and my boyfriend go out to eat. How could I possible choose something more serious and important quickly? Only the good Lord knows, because I don't. Let's just say I'm very apprehensive about English 1020....I feel its not going to be good for me. But I'm hoping for a good major surprise.

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