Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Website for Extra-Marital Affairs?!?!?!?!

Is it ethical for a company to provide a service that helps married people have affairs outside their marriage? In my opinion, it is totally wrong and a degradation to the whole American Society. Ashley Madison company provides this type of service and can be accessed online at their website. Its almost like a facebook for cheaters. You set up a profile, wait for people to email you, and then pick and choose which people you want to have an affair with. Ridiculous sounding? Of course it is. I know I'm not the best christain or person, but taking advantage of this unethical practice and destroying homes is disgusting. The CEO of the company was on the Tyra Show and he said he decided to make the company because he had seen that the statistics for outer marriage affairs were high and so took advantage and made a company out of it. One of the members who came on the show had used this service and had ruined her marriage because of it. The husband was then brought on to see how he felt about it (with the CEO still in the audience) and he was in tears and just devastated that his wife could betray him like that. Tyra then asked the CEO if he had any guilt and he said that he felt sorry for the guy but that he had no guilt because he didn't force the woman to have an affair, just provided the service to do it. Tyra then asked the CEO's wife if she trusted him and she said she did. When she asked how she could trust him with such a sketchy business, the CEO said that he compared himself to a drug dealer. He said something along the lines of...Drug dealers just sell drugs, they don't use their products. I just sell affairs, I don't have them. What is our society coming to that some are promoting affairs and wrecked homes? Grow up America and start re-learning your ethics and morals.

Here is a video profiling this disgusting company:

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