Monday, November 2, 2009

McD's vs. BK

McDonalds vs. Burger King


1. Unhealthy
Both of these fast food joints are equally unhealthy due to the high calorie and sodium dosages received with each meal eaten. Ever noticed how much salt was on your fries? Yea, I know. Its usually an immense amount, especially at McDonald's which has the number one fries in the world.

2. Delicious
While this is my personal opinion, I think most people would agree with the taste factor for both of these fast food joints. When choosing between the two, its hard to decided upon just one. Maybe you want the fries from McDonald's but then you want the taste of a Burger King whopper.


1. How its Made
McDonald's is known for their delicious, but fattening food. Ever wonder why its fattening? It's because they cook their food in little greasy compartments in a huge cooker type thing. Then its stored in other little greasy compartments. This doesn't let the grease drain but lets it stagnate on the hamburger patties. In BK, they chargrill the burgers making it less fattening and more flavorful. They also put less salt on their fries, but each meal still is up there in calories with McD's.

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