Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Future According to Me

Where do I see myself in 5 years? Well frankly, I see myself still in school. Since a bachelors and masters in psychology will get you almost nowhere in the field, I will be heading towards my doctorate. I also see (hopefully) settling down with a husband, but no kids yet because they hinder things too much. Lol, just kidding kind of.

In ten years, I see me settled down with a kid or two and having a really good job or the beginning or a really good job and a doctorates degree. That's right, you can just go ahead and call me Dr. Ricker (lol). I also hope that I will have a steady income so that I can support myself and my family, if I have one. But in ten years alot could happen and I don't know exactly where my life will take me. It could happen that it turns out to be exactly the opposite of what I expect, but I hope not.

In 20 years, I plan to have had all the kids I am going to have (hopefully no more than 4) and building up my career. I don't know what area of psychology I want to go into, but recently, I've been looking into nueropsychology, which studys the brain and behavior. It sounds so interesting and after ten or more years in the field, I could be making more than $100,000. The starting salary was already at $60,000 to $80,000. I also hope to have good benefits with my job so that I wont have to worry about healthcare and all that jazz.

Mainly for the future, I just want to be happy and have a career that I enjoy going to each day and not have the same "oh great, I get to go to work today" attitude. I know I hope for alot for my future and that most likely, majority of what I want won't happen. But I have to try, right? Of course! Well, off for now.

Top Things that Scare Me

This is a list of all the things that scare me. Some you will think is silly to be afraid of, but I can't help it. It's just who I am and what I have been conditioned to be afraid of. So here it is.

Things I am afraid of:

1. Spiders- Those creepy little bastards just gross me out and I immediately get out of the room when I see one. I think its because of all the legs and how fast they move. Its just creepy.

2. Heights- The fear of falling off a gigantic cliff is just heart dropping. Even when I am standing on a chair and then look up to the ceiling, my knees get wobbly and my heart drops. Its crazy.

3. The Dark- I think most of this fear comes from my over-active imagination at night. I think of what could be hiding in the dark corners of my house or my room. Also, my eyes play tricks on me which freaks me out even more.

4. Being Alone for Long Periods of Time- I'm not really sure about this one. It just kind of developed.

5. Haunted Houses (at halloween)- I know that everything in them are fake, however I get freaked out about them.

More to come.....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Classes Update

OK so I've decided to update you all on my classes so far this semester. I had to drop my half semester class because I felt so over-whelmed with what I was already taking and felt that it would be best to stick with what was already on my plate instead of going back to the buffet and adding more. So now with sociology off my plate, I have time to focus on my classes I am taking. History is going good so far. I just took my second of four tests and think I did pretty darn well. I think I did at least B quality. I wish that the teacher would hurry up and grade the papers because it is so nerve racking to have to wait to see if you passed or not. English is also going well. I just found out today that I got a 90% on my profile paper, which is shocking because I half expected the the teacher to say "wow, this is dry and needs life!" But I'm so glad she found it good! Theatre Appreciation is going good too. I have a test today and am super nervous because I didn't read any of the four plays except for one. I hope however that I can BS my way through the two essay questions, but its more than likely that it wont work to my advantage. But I pray for the best today. Behavior analysis is ok. Its particularly interesting these days because I am applying what I am learning about reinforcement and punishment to my everyday life. I use only positive reinforcement and punishment on my niece to teach good behavior. My training with sniffy the rat is also going well. He is learning what I am teaching him very well and I am proud of him and himself. Well off for now.

Halloween Over the Years

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. As a kid, I would dress up each year and go around the townhouse complex to recieve that joyous candy. At my elementary school, they would allow us to dress up one day at school and then all the grades would go outside with their classes and parade around in our costumes, just so we could see what each person was. That was one of the highlights of halloween for me. Then we would go back into the class and have a party that would end the school day. It was sooo much fun to dress up at school and have food and games with my friends. I remember a few of my costumes. I dressed up as the original blue power ranger for 2 years in a row because, of course, power rangers was my favorite show as a kid. I also remember that I dressed up as the green M&M one year. That costume was pretty cool because instead of buying it at walmart, my mom made it. It was like two round pillows one on my stomach and the other at my back. It was super warm as well. I remember dressing up as a harry potter character one year as well. I was running out of time and options so I just decided to throw a cape on and a red sweatsuit. Now, I still dress up but I dont go trick or treating, because that would just be weird at my age. Instead of trick or treating, I go to parties that my friends have. This year my friend steph is having a halloween party at her house. I'm super pumped because I have not seen her in about two months. I am also bringing my boyfriend to her party which is also super exciting because I have never had a boyfriend to celebrate halloween with. We are going to dress up as Wilma and Fred Flintstone. This just makes me smile because my mom and my dad were Wilma and Fred for halloween one year when me and my sister were just kids. It's also the exact costumes they wore because my mom kept them in her closet and they are both homemade. I'm so excited that its hard to not skip through this week and just go to friday. I know its going to be a good halloween this year! :D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Most of my friends through the years have had a tremendous influence on how I am today. I can't pick one in particular because so many have had the same qualities and they have all helped. I do remember one girl in particular, however, that became my best friend immediately and shaped me to be more courageous and open. I was a shy child for most of my childhood, but Karissa Murphey changed all that the day I met her in 7th grade. She was this blonde, outgoing girl who seemed to be at the peak of her social skills, for a middle schooler. She took me under her wing and befriended me. Come to find out, she was moving into the same exact neighborhood that I lived in, and more eerily onto the exact same street that I lived on. I was so excited! Finally I would have my best friend to see everyday, to walk to the bus with, and to sit on the bus with. She was so amazing. We hung out all the time and talked like nobodies business. She helped me to open up and not be so shy about who I really was. She took me four-wheel riding with some of her friends, who eventually came to hang out with me too. She let me be myself and she accepted me for who I was. She really helped me show my fabulous personality and enjoy being who I was. She never had a bad influence on me and only brought out the best in me. We were inseparable up to the point of my departure for Alabama with my family. I never forgot her and tried to stay in touch, but gradually we grew apart and I was sad but I knew it was difficult to stay friends on different ends of the country. I did however find her on facebook and she seems to have been doing well. I thank her for her acceptance and influencing me to be myself, which is all I can be.

The Final Stand

I stand here all alone in this forest that was once so full of life. How could people just come and kill every piece of life I had? Now they are coming for me, seeing as I'm the only one left, the lone ranger. Don't think I won't go with out a fight. Oh no, they will never know what is to be expected when they come calling with their loud shrill sounds. The constant revving of their voices to alert me I am being pursued. For once they will get a taste of their own medicine. I still stand alone, but the silence has its advantages. The wind blows the leaves on the ground around me and I wonder why I feel so dead. I've been alive from the first light of the 18th century and how I've made it so long with out ever being challenged for my patch of ground. Just thinking about it sends a wave of termites down my trunk. They may be laughing now but I will show them who's land this is. This is the Giant Oak's land. The land that has been ours for hundreds of years. Though they have killed every one of my kind that lived here before and with me, I will stand my ground, plant my roots deep in the rich soil, and show the chainsawed men who's boss. Never will I release my body to the endless cycle of revving "NEE NEE NEEs" or the factory sounds of old. I've made it this long so try and stop me now. Though leaves fall like teardrops from my branches, I have to be brave and stand my ground. Because if I don't, my whole race is threatened and all that is left is a shadow of what used to be. A shadow of great beauty that once reigned in this once magical place. Now it is time. I hear the NEE NEEs coming. They are approaching rapidly and I have no where to hide but in my fear. This is it. My final stand.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Weather

The fall weather that has descended upon us has been absolutely wonderful! I can not express how much joy the cold weather brings to me. I love the smell of the crisp air in the morning, compared to the muggy mornings of the summer. I also love the smell of burning leavings, which seems to bring back some kind of odd feeling as if I know that smell from some other time. It's the perfect weather to go hiking and strolling and other kinds of outdoor activities. I love trying to run in the winter because first, I am not a runner, and second, its fun to see how far I can get in the cold weather compared to the hot weather. The best kind of fall days are the ones where the sun is shining, there are no clouds in the sky, and the trees are all changed to red, orange, and yellow. That's another thing I love about the fall. The landscape changes to a beautiful array of colors that one doesn't see in the summer or spring. True the leaves are dying, but I love the rich colors of fall and I love wearing them too (with the exception of yellow lol). I told my boyfriend, who is originally from Maine, how much I thought we should go hiking and he said "yea, so my crotch can freeze off!" I think it is the best time to hike because its not too hot and not too cold. The sight of the air puffing out of my mouth is when I know its my season. I love the fall and would live in fall all year long if I could.


What is bravery?

Bravery is seen differently in each person's mind. In my opinion, bravery is doing something that is outside of our own personal comfortable zone. That means that if you are not comfortable socializing with people your age and you go to a bar, well you are showing bravery because you are stepping outside of your comfortable zone.

When was a moment I showed bravery?

I think one of my bravest moments had to be when I was about to take my first plane ride. I had seen all the movies where planes crash, and did not want to repeat any of those scenarios. I was so nervous about crashing and dying that I couldn't seem to focus on what everyone else was saying to me. They were trying to make me feel comfortable by saying it was more safe flying than driving, but nothing was helping. Finally we boarded the plane and I was shivering from the excitement/nervousness. I distinctly remember this moment because something extremely embarrassing happened to me amidst my bravery. When the plane took off, I busted out laughing, hysterically, part out of fear and part out of my own wild thoughts. Since the plane took off suddenly and fast, I had the wildest thought of Emeral, the TV chef, saying "BAM!" As if the plane had just took off like "BAM!"

Is Bravery brave or stupid?

Sometimes bravery can be stupid. Some people know risks involved with what they are going to do but do it anyways because they either want to prove something, or want to prove they are brave. But again, bravery is different to each individual. Someone bungee jumping off the empire state building seems stupid to me, but might seem brave to someone else.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Car

My car is a hyundai accent and I love it to death. It's such a small car, but that is what suits me. It is black with tinted windows that exceed the legal limit. lol. His name is Theo, don't know why though. I really love my car, but lately it has been causing me a lot of stress. I was driving one day and it started to make this funny noise and I was so worried. It kinda sounded like when a playing card is stuck into a spinning bicycle wheel. I didn't know what it was, because I don't know much if anything about cars. Well we took it to a friend who is a mechanic and he fixed all these things, hoping to fix the sound. Well, it didn't. So he figured it was the transmission. So we took it to a transmission person who said it would be $2250 for him to take the transmission apart, and rebuild it with new parts. So now I owe $605 to the first guy and $2250 to the transmission guy. This is hell of a lot of money for a broke college student who doesn't have enough money sometimes to pay for her $150 car insurance each month.
Needless to say, I still love my car, but I just don't like it right now. I hope it will be fine after all of this money I am spending to fix on it. It is crazy to think what kind of lucky I will have after all of this. For all I know, I could get in an accident. But I pray that that won't happen.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Recipe for a Romantic Date

Ok, so now that I have the most wonderful boyfriend ever, I have been getting creative on how to create unique dates that are fun, romantic, and most of all cheap. (We are both struggling college students, so cheap is our only option.) I had the most brilliant idea the other day about a common type of date, but with a unique twist. I know of a place that is so beautiful because its a hill that over looks a golf course, which doesn't sound great, but the view at night is spectacular. You can see all the lights of montgomery from this hill, which makes it a lovely spot to drive to at night. Well, I decided I should try and plan a date around this hill and low and behold, I had a brilliant idea. I thought, "what if I plan a night picnic with candles all around on that hill?" It's brilliant I know! lol Well so now the recipe for this date is:

Picnic + Nighttime + Hill + Candles = A romantic unique date that will be awesome!!!

What do I want to ask about my future profession

When I was in high school, I really wanted to be an actress. I did four years of theatre in high school and was set on living out my dream. When I proposed this to my parents, they shot down me down and told me to get a job that would actually make me money. Well, then I decided late into my first year of college to switch majors to psychology. Now, I am going to interview a retired clinical psychologist to see if I actually want to become one myself. I do love the field but first I had to come up with the interview questions to ask him. Here is a list of just some of the questions I have planned to ask him:

1. How did he decide to become a psychologist?
2. What types of higher education did he need besides an undergrad degree?
3. How much money does did he make annually?
4. What was his daily routine like?
5. What was the most rewarding thing for him?

These are just a few of the questions I am going to ask. The whole interview will probably last around 30-45 minutes because there are 19 questions total! I tried to not make them redundant and I tried to make them interesting and broad so that I could write a very lovely paper.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

10 Signs You are Falling Head Over Heels

10 Signs of Falling Head Over Heels for Someone:

1. You constantly think of them
2. You get butterflys when they kiss you
3. You get excited just knowing you will get to see them that day, even if its for a short time
4. You constantly talk about them to others
5. You can't help but stare at them and wonder how lucky you are
6. You get goosebumps when they hug or caress you
7. You think of what the future would be like if they were yours forever
8. You always want to be around them
9. You get distracted easily because you are thinking about them
10. Random things remind you of something sweet they have done for you

All these signs are things that I have felt or done, and therefore make me feel as if I am falling in love with my boyfriend. It may be too early to tell, but I really have never felt this way about someone before. Its amazing when you actually do find this, and you will be surprised when you realize you have done all of these 10 things! :D

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Prayer of thanks!

Dear Lord,
I thank you for my ups and downs,
The learning that I need to turn around.
The downs are tough, but I get by just fine,
even when I think there is no time.
I thank you for my ups as well
because then I know i'm doing well.
All these things make life tough
but I wouldn't be who I am without this stuff.
Thank for your all over love
and wish I could give you a hug.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Day I Got to Dress Up as Chef Marco!

Today I got to dress up as the mascot for Marco's Pizza. The mascot is Chef Marco, a funny little italian man with a huge italian mustache! The weather was cool with an undertone of heat. I suited up in the costume and was pumped that I was actually going to get paid to stand on the side of the road and act like a fool, all in the name of attracting costumers. Well the suit consisted of giant felt shoes, giant felt pants, giant felt hands, a giant felt chef jacket, and a giant (I mean giant) head. It was so cool but I knew it was going to get hot, so I had to be careful not to get too overheated. To make it worse, the fan that was supposed to be in the head was no where to be seen, so the only ventilation was coming from the eye holes. I finally went out to the road with the help of one of my co-workers and got my groove on. I was swinging my arms from side to side, jumping up and down, wiggling my hips, and acting crazy just to get drivers attentions. Now, its probably not a good idea to distract drivers attention during rush hour, but it apparently worked. I got honks and shouts and stupid comments from the fine citizens of Prattville. I took a small break to cool down from all of my hoopla, and then went back out for a short time. I didn't get as enthusiastic the second time because I was just downright tired. However, all my hard work seemed to pay off. I went back in to find a family sitting at a table and my managers joked that I was scaring the childern (even though I was doing nothing). They told us that, in fact, they had come there because of me. They had seen me out there and wondered what Marco's was and decided to order it for dinner. I also found out that they were getting calls and walk ins like crazy because of my work. I was so happy that I had actually done some good while being crazy! I love my job!!!