Monday, October 12, 2009

What do I want to ask about my future profession

When I was in high school, I really wanted to be an actress. I did four years of theatre in high school and was set on living out my dream. When I proposed this to my parents, they shot down me down and told me to get a job that would actually make me money. Well, then I decided late into my first year of college to switch majors to psychology. Now, I am going to interview a retired clinical psychologist to see if I actually want to become one myself. I do love the field but first I had to come up with the interview questions to ask him. Here is a list of just some of the questions I have planned to ask him:

1. How did he decide to become a psychologist?
2. What types of higher education did he need besides an undergrad degree?
3. How much money does did he make annually?
4. What was his daily routine like?
5. What was the most rewarding thing for him?

These are just a few of the questions I am going to ask. The whole interview will probably last around 30-45 minutes because there are 19 questions total! I tried to not make them redundant and I tried to make them interesting and broad so that I could write a very lovely paper.

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