Monday, October 19, 2009


What is bravery?

Bravery is seen differently in each person's mind. In my opinion, bravery is doing something that is outside of our own personal comfortable zone. That means that if you are not comfortable socializing with people your age and you go to a bar, well you are showing bravery because you are stepping outside of your comfortable zone.

When was a moment I showed bravery?

I think one of my bravest moments had to be when I was about to take my first plane ride. I had seen all the movies where planes crash, and did not want to repeat any of those scenarios. I was so nervous about crashing and dying that I couldn't seem to focus on what everyone else was saying to me. They were trying to make me feel comfortable by saying it was more safe flying than driving, but nothing was helping. Finally we boarded the plane and I was shivering from the excitement/nervousness. I distinctly remember this moment because something extremely embarrassing happened to me amidst my bravery. When the plane took off, I busted out laughing, hysterically, part out of fear and part out of my own wild thoughts. Since the plane took off suddenly and fast, I had the wildest thought of Emeral, the TV chef, saying "BAM!" As if the plane had just took off like "BAM!"

Is Bravery brave or stupid?

Sometimes bravery can be stupid. Some people know risks involved with what they are going to do but do it anyways because they either want to prove something, or want to prove they are brave. But again, bravery is different to each individual. Someone bungee jumping off the empire state building seems stupid to me, but might seem brave to someone else.

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