Monday, October 26, 2009

Classes Update

OK so I've decided to update you all on my classes so far this semester. I had to drop my half semester class because I felt so over-whelmed with what I was already taking and felt that it would be best to stick with what was already on my plate instead of going back to the buffet and adding more. So now with sociology off my plate, I have time to focus on my classes I am taking. History is going good so far. I just took my second of four tests and think I did pretty darn well. I think I did at least B quality. I wish that the teacher would hurry up and grade the papers because it is so nerve racking to have to wait to see if you passed or not. English is also going well. I just found out today that I got a 90% on my profile paper, which is shocking because I half expected the the teacher to say "wow, this is dry and needs life!" But I'm so glad she found it good! Theatre Appreciation is going good too. I have a test today and am super nervous because I didn't read any of the four plays except for one. I hope however that I can BS my way through the two essay questions, but its more than likely that it wont work to my advantage. But I pray for the best today. Behavior analysis is ok. Its particularly interesting these days because I am applying what I am learning about reinforcement and punishment to my everyday life. I use only positive reinforcement and punishment on my niece to teach good behavior. My training with sniffy the rat is also going well. He is learning what I am teaching him very well and I am proud of him and himself. Well off for now.

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