Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Final Stand

I stand here all alone in this forest that was once so full of life. How could people just come and kill every piece of life I had? Now they are coming for me, seeing as I'm the only one left, the lone ranger. Don't think I won't go with out a fight. Oh no, they will never know what is to be expected when they come calling with their loud shrill sounds. The constant revving of their voices to alert me I am being pursued. For once they will get a taste of their own medicine. I still stand alone, but the silence has its advantages. The wind blows the leaves on the ground around me and I wonder why I feel so dead. I've been alive from the first light of the 18th century and how I've made it so long with out ever being challenged for my patch of ground. Just thinking about it sends a wave of termites down my trunk. They may be laughing now but I will show them who's land this is. This is the Giant Oak's land. The land that has been ours for hundreds of years. Though they have killed every one of my kind that lived here before and with me, I will stand my ground, plant my roots deep in the rich soil, and show the chainsawed men who's boss. Never will I release my body to the endless cycle of revving "NEE NEE NEEs" or the factory sounds of old. I've made it this long so try and stop me now. Though leaves fall like teardrops from my branches, I have to be brave and stand my ground. Because if I don't, my whole race is threatened and all that is left is a shadow of what used to be. A shadow of great beauty that once reigned in this once magical place. Now it is time. I hear the NEE NEEs coming. They are approaching rapidly and I have no where to hide but in my fear. This is it. My final stand.

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