Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Over the Years

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. As a kid, I would dress up each year and go around the townhouse complex to recieve that joyous candy. At my elementary school, they would allow us to dress up one day at school and then all the grades would go outside with their classes and parade around in our costumes, just so we could see what each person was. That was one of the highlights of halloween for me. Then we would go back into the class and have a party that would end the school day. It was sooo much fun to dress up at school and have food and games with my friends. I remember a few of my costumes. I dressed up as the original blue power ranger for 2 years in a row because, of course, power rangers was my favorite show as a kid. I also remember that I dressed up as the green M&M one year. That costume was pretty cool because instead of buying it at walmart, my mom made it. It was like two round pillows one on my stomach and the other at my back. It was super warm as well. I remember dressing up as a harry potter character one year as well. I was running out of time and options so I just decided to throw a cape on and a red sweatsuit. Now, I still dress up but I dont go trick or treating, because that would just be weird at my age. Instead of trick or treating, I go to parties that my friends have. This year my friend steph is having a halloween party at her house. I'm super pumped because I have not seen her in about two months. I am also bringing my boyfriend to her party which is also super exciting because I have never had a boyfriend to celebrate halloween with. We are going to dress up as Wilma and Fred Flintstone. This just makes me smile because my mom and my dad were Wilma and Fred for halloween one year when me and my sister were just kids. It's also the exact costumes they wore because my mom kept them in her closet and they are both homemade. I'm so excited that its hard to not skip through this week and just go to friday. I know its going to be a good halloween this year! :D

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