Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Top Things that Scare Me

This is a list of all the things that scare me. Some you will think is silly to be afraid of, but I can't help it. It's just who I am and what I have been conditioned to be afraid of. So here it is.

Things I am afraid of:

1. Spiders- Those creepy little bastards just gross me out and I immediately get out of the room when I see one. I think its because of all the legs and how fast they move. Its just creepy.

2. Heights- The fear of falling off a gigantic cliff is just heart dropping. Even when I am standing on a chair and then look up to the ceiling, my knees get wobbly and my heart drops. Its crazy.

3. The Dark- I think most of this fear comes from my over-active imagination at night. I think of what could be hiding in the dark corners of my house or my room. Also, my eyes play tricks on me which freaks me out even more.

4. Being Alone for Long Periods of Time- I'm not really sure about this one. It just kind of developed.

5. Haunted Houses (at halloween)- I know that everything in them are fake, however I get freaked out about them.

More to come.....

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