Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Most of my friends through the years have had a tremendous influence on how I am today. I can't pick one in particular because so many have had the same qualities and they have all helped. I do remember one girl in particular, however, that became my best friend immediately and shaped me to be more courageous and open. I was a shy child for most of my childhood, but Karissa Murphey changed all that the day I met her in 7th grade. She was this blonde, outgoing girl who seemed to be at the peak of her social skills, for a middle schooler. She took me under her wing and befriended me. Come to find out, she was moving into the same exact neighborhood that I lived in, and more eerily onto the exact same street that I lived on. I was so excited! Finally I would have my best friend to see everyday, to walk to the bus with, and to sit on the bus with. She was so amazing. We hung out all the time and talked like nobodies business. She helped me to open up and not be so shy about who I really was. She took me four-wheel riding with some of her friends, who eventually came to hang out with me too. She let me be myself and she accepted me for who I was. She really helped me show my fabulous personality and enjoy being who I was. She never had a bad influence on me and only brought out the best in me. We were inseparable up to the point of my departure for Alabama with my family. I never forgot her and tried to stay in touch, but gradually we grew apart and I was sad but I knew it was difficult to stay friends on different ends of the country. I did however find her on facebook and she seems to have been doing well. I thank her for her acceptance and influencing me to be myself, which is all I can be.

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