Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 things to do/say around someone you like

This is for all the people who freeze up in the presence of someone they like. Hope it works!

1. Hi or hey
2. How are you doing?
3. Compliment them on something, either physical or not
4. Make eye contact majority of the time
5. Ask them what they like to do
6. Laugh at things they say (this is mainly advice for girls) but don't be obnxious and laugh at everything, because that's just annoying
7. Smile
8. Talk causaully, like you would to your friends, and don't freeze up or act nervous
9. If the person is someone you've known for a long time, relate a story you remember about you and them from the past. If the person someone you don't know well, ask them what they plan to do in the future. (ex: Whats your major? Oh, ok! That's very interesting? How did you get into that major?)
10. If you get adventurous, ask them what they are doing this weekend and then ask if they would like to hang out

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