Monday, September 14, 2009

Best Advice Ever

The best advice I have ever gotten was from my mom. She has always been the one to give me good advice and to support me whenever I've needed it. She told me one time, "Suck it up! Life's not fair!" and boy was she right. Life isn't fair and if you constantly expect things to go your way every time, you are going to constantly be let down. I still here this piece of advice today. I get stressed and start complaining about how tired I am and how everything seems to be going downhill, and I hear my mom in the background somewhere say, "suck it up ashleigh". It may sound harsh for a mother to say this but she is only teaching me that if i wear my feelings on my sleeves that I am only going to get hurt worse when I get out into the actual real world. I definately know that I will be telling this to my kids one day, but I might be a little more sympathetic, but then again I might not. lol. I do however tell myself to "suck it up" every now and then, just to remind myself that I need to be more resilient to an ever changing world. People aren't always going to play fair or be fair, and I know life isn't going to just hand me a great life. I just have to "suck it up" and stick it out!

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