Friday, September 4, 2009

Go to bed or stay up longer? That is the Question.

Ok, so I'm sitting here on the couch amidst the dark and I can't decide whether to go to bed or not. It shouldn't be that hard to decide, if you really get down to the basics of it. If I'm tired, I should go to bed. But something always compels me to stay on facebook, like it has brainwashed me to keep checking to see if anything exciting is going to happen. Maybe someone is going to comment on a picture of mine or send me a message or write something on my wall. Or maybe someone will pop up a chat with me and keep me entertained for a while. This may not be everyones idea of excitement, but when you really have no social due to work and school and facebook is the only way to stay connected, anything menial becomes exciting. However, my id is screaming for me to go to bed, but my super ego is telling me to stay up and keep checking facebook every 6 seconds. Now if you were completely lost with what I just said, its a psychology thing. Hard to explain and I don't really feel like explaining it now, considering its 2:10 AM. Does anyone one else experiance this feeling too? I'm pretty sure they do but either (1) don't want to admit it or (2) don't read my blogs. lol I fear its number 2, but oh well! The world is not going to end. However I think I might think about going to bed for another five minutes and then make my way to my room. Goodnight to all you lovely people, and don't let facebook brainwash you like it has me. :D

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