Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Serious Injury

This is an experiance that I remember about a boy who got seriously injured. I used to live in a townhouse neighborhood, and right by my house there was a medium size clearing next to our row of townhouses. My sister and I asked the boys down the street if they wanted to play a sport with us (I can't really remember what it was). Well, we all went to the clearing by my house and started to play. Next to the clearing, there is a small patch of woods with a huge log down right next to the clearing. I don't remember exactly how it happened but I know we were playing and somehow the oldest boy tripped over the log and fell backwards. Well, me being a young kid thought that it was hilarious that he fell over a log. So I'm laughing, but no one else is. So I finally look up and see that the boy is crying and in pain. Only then did I notice that the log had a thick branch coming out of it, and the branch was coming out of the boy's knee! I felt horrible for laugh because he was in pain the whole time and I just thought that he was being stupid and staying on the ground. His parents came down to the clearing and took him to the hospital. I can't remember exactly how it happened, or whose fault it was, because I was so young. All I remember was that the boy couldn't play actual sports for a long time because he had messed up his knee so bad. :(

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