Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My tattoo

Last Wednesday, I got my first tattoo. I had been wanting to get one for months now but I knew I didn't have the money or the slighest clue about what I wanted to get. Finally, I decided on a celtic pentaflower, or a celtic rose. It symbolizes a very powerful love, a love that transcends all including death. I chose it because I wanted something celtic because I have always felt some odd connection to Ireland. Well Wednesday, I mucked up the courage to go get my tattoo. I was so nervous because I did not know if it was going to hurt alot. Many people I had asked had mixed reviews, some said it hurt alot, while others said it was not bad at all. I was so happy that the person doing my tattoo was one of my former softball coaches. He assured me it would not hurt bad. Well, he was wrong. It did hurt alot, but only while the tattoo was being done. Afterwards it did not hurt, it just felt like a slight burn. I was given instructions on how to keep my tattoo clean and how to help it heal correctly. I followed all the directions and it started to scab over like it was supposed to. I kept lotion on it for about a week. This morning I realized that the scab had finally came off the whole tattoo and it looks awesome!!!! It was done in white ink so that it was not as noticeable as other ink colors. It's like my own personal tattoo, just for me. You can barely see it unless I show it too you. Anyways, I was just wanting to tell how much I loved my tattoo now that its almost completely healed!!! :D

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